I do not like to see people live in poverty and starve to death. Women are as capable of invention and innovation as what men are. The human male is similar but human males fight with spears, swords, rifles, machine guns, field guns, rockets, aircraft and nuclear weapons. Women on the other hand have a powerful maternal and nurturing instinct. Before we had democracy, it would have been impossible for women to rule any country, because men ruled through violence and intimidation, and women would find it hard to compete with men in a world of violence, It is true we have had, in the past, Queens like Elizabeth 1 of England and Catherine the Great of Russia, but they had to still rule governments, dominated by men with male values. No government of any developed country wants to see children in poverty - male or female. You should also consider the Mosuo--the last semi-matriarchal society in the world, in China. The advantages are that there is a partner there to share in all of life's ups and downs and that a family. Materialism gives you the opportunity to always have the latest things. Women are the Carers and nurturers of our world. Its really interesting abd informative reading all the comments about this, what i didn't realise is about the percentages of crime - yes i knew men cause more crime than females but never realised its about 99% - that is alot and really needs to be addressed! The children get their names from their fathers. I'm sorry for being late, and miss you Lucy.. Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on April 30, 2014: I note that activist Germaine Greer in her weekly newspaper article said it all just in the headline 'Women are now worse off than 50 years ago!' Why is so much money spent on an incredibly destructive military machine and its very dangerous testing? We are equal mentally and physically, there couldn't be just women or just men in this world, it requires both to create an equal society. So what is wrong in making it easier for women to get into power?. Besides, women are quite capable of those things too. There is a greater sense of financial security and parents can save up for their children's future to a larger extent. Have you thought about that? In fact men and women are far more diverse among each other than between each other - meaning we are more similar than different. For instance many men have attempted to create equal societies with socialism and communism but totally failed because their competitive instincts got in the way of this. But women do have brains, and are capable of outsmarting men.. You simply ignore all that because it doesn't fit your dogma. The difference has started to become somewhat political. 1. Some women will use men to do violence to another man for them. We see this from a very early age when little boys like to play with toy guns, cars and planes, while little girls like to play with dolls and prams. I think it is down to people not thinking and knowing about it, I certainly had never really thought about this until i came across one of your hubs - which I am really grateful that I did as it has really opened my eyes alot! I strongly feel this a a really good way forward and really do hope this will happen as the govenments are making a terrible job at the moment. But patriarchal propaganda doesn't like to acknowledge this. And we are going to have a very unfair world as the rich will compete against the poor for more wealth and power. To keep on repeating what I have previously said. The two systems have a major difference in their ideas about nature. Capitalism is not a male economic system. Therefore, you get full custody, the house, the car, half the assets, and generous maintenance.". Perhaps your grim view of men is self fulfilling in your case. You are no better than the most radical feminist, and no better than the most traditional neo-con. What exactly is a patriarchal political party? This as well, should be supported by valid points, and the daily . I am personally surprise at how strong the urge in women is to have children, with all the problems involve in this. Most partnerships like to have one person focus on big picture concepts while the other manages accounting or financial obligations. but I do not exclude myself in being able to think and say what is in my mind.. This is a personality trait issue that is encouraged by some and dispised by others. I cannot believe that the men ruling our world are actually going to change and see the errors of their ways and become nicer people. "Certainly no man would do this. It is mens powerful competitive instincts that cause wars and brings about the big gap between rich and poor, creating widespread poverty. I amwell, I'd be insulted if I wasn't so used to it. Did I hit a nerve? This is why women would be far more sensible and sane rulers of our world, than what men would be. Mothers commit higher rates of physical abuse than fathers. I do not like to see people killed, rape, tortured in wars. No female dominated government will want to see children live in poverty and ignorance, so they will put far more of the resources of any country they rule, into the welfare of children. Men hate and fear other men from other countries, religions, social classes and ethic groups. The point is that for the average person in the street they want to be rule by sensible and caring people. You're criticizing all men for being men. In human females this instinct has to be stronger than most other mammals because the human child is far more helpless than any other mammal, and takes far longer to mature. I don't blame them. You said "You seem to feel that women have existed in a bubble through all of human history. Don't you ever question this? What is sexism however, and what I pointed out, is to claim that men are less capable of ruling the world because theyre men. The gap between rich and poor is growing all the time, we still have wars, and even democracy is failing because our elected politicians are so easy corrupted. -. If you want to live in a society where women rule, the Mosuo are there waiting for you in China, in their villages with no electricity or running water, and where livestock roam through the houses. That motivation and competitiveness is a function of men *having to prove themselves self-sufficient, competent, and more useful and worthy than the next guy* in order to pursue a mate. Not that biology doesn't have influence it does however, humanity is not restricted by biology in the same way animals are, we have the gift of awareness and intellect, to make a damn choice to allow ourselves to be defined by our so called accomplishments. ScaleupAlly . I think you are too absorbed in the negative aspects of women and of feminism, I already know by the tone of your literature that you will never look upon feminism in a postiive light and I can respect that, you are entitled to your own beliefs, thoughts, opinions, and critical views of the world. In other words, it may very well be that it was female leadership, not some cultural lack of male aggression, that led to the extinction of those matriarchal societies. Are you merely here to fight and shove your views down people's throats simply because you damn well feel like it? Women who are not dominated by oppressive patriarchal societies are more able to express their nurturing and loving natures. William Bond (author) from England on July 10, 2012: I agree Aincas, that it should be obvious that men commit far, far more violence than women. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggWy50I9et8. Are you saying that it would be political correct to say, "people do a really terrible job in ruling our world". It is true some human men do help with caring for the young but many will also leave the female when she is pregnant or has his child and will strongly resist paying maintenance for his own children. ". I would certainly agree that men are generally better at science, engineering and mechanic than women, and I dont see any problem with this. Or do not receive the support they need in raising a child. Matriarchy exists as an antithesis to the notion of patriarchy. You cannot dismiss childbirth as being totally unimportant. And in our competitive patriarchal world is seems that the most competitive and aggressive people get to the top.. You are no better than the most radical feminist, and no better than the most traditional neo-con. Most male animals tend to fight each other for power and access to females, and evolutionists tell us this is a good thing, as the strongest male gets to pass on his genes to the next generation. And crazily, the worse a woman's offense, the more eager we are to absolve her. It is not the so called Western stereoypical and most feared, female supremecist society that many bullshit about; I mean, we don't even know what a true female supremacist society in all its full potential would be like given our so called biological differences. As we will always be ruled by aggressive, ruthless and violent men. And they always say, 'it is the woman's fault'. Now, whatever may be said about dominance, good or bad, there seem to be certain personality traits that lend themselves to leadership, and certain ones that don't. It is crazy to say men and women are the same when it is so clear that they are not the same. It can be initiated at will and ended in the same manner. tages and disadvantages. It's not as if matriarchal societies of the past were ones where men did not exist, or spent their days knitting and doing their nails. Unfortunately Rosalind Franklin died of cancer not long after her she finished her work on DNA. Is that in the hands of men or women?". In other words, women who try to get ahead in any patriarchal institution, has to act and behave like competitive and ruthless men, because if she was to show her caring and maternal nature, she would be condemned as being weak and sentimental. If you're going to judge half the human population, at least take all things into consideration. The following are important characteristics of a matriarch: independent autonomous. Now, I can understand the fear Feminist have, that if we undermine the dogma that men and women are same, and say that women are driven by a powerful maternal instinct and men driven by a powerful competitive instinct. Previous Post All about Microsoft Access Database you need to know. The Lineage Matriarchal societies are also often matrilineal in nature. In the 50s, veterinary medicine was virtually 100% male. "on the whole I have personally found women to be a lot nicer people than men.". How about condemning the whole male sex on the actions of Hitler, Stalin, Po-Pot, Atilla the Hun, Ivan the Terrible? If you were successful on the battle field then you were more likely to be king. So this is a long term thing but you have to start somewhere. It is men who start these wars or civil wars and it is men who fight in them. You, a man, decides that men are naturally not suited to be in decision making positions. You can safely say that over 99% of all violence committed in our world has been committed by men. One of the most significant advantages of the matrix organizational structure is its ability to share highly-skilled resources. If you think women are less competitive then I suggest you take a look backstage of a ballet school or beauty pageant. Where is your peer reviewed research that tells you this? So what is it that you gain as a result of your argument? All women have a powerful maternal instinct, so the focus of any Matriarchal government will always be on children. It is not because men lack intelligence that they go to war. It's not like she stripped that gold from the bodies of the slain. Biological determinism - the basis for pretty much every kind of sexism. It signifies a system of governance administered by women. It is because their basic instincts pushes them in that direction. Also hunter-gatherer socities naturally tend to have non-hierarchal egalitarian social structures, there is social and economic equality and violence often tends to be very rare which in spite of their lack of technology seems to be more highly advanced society morally than the one we currently live in. A perfect examply of man's brutality towards women and there intellect in those times. It's just preaching. Look through history and even today and the acts of violence and torture by men, far outweighs the acts of violence and torture by women. This is why I wan't women to rule instead. Here's the funniest part of it all: You are actually disqualifying your opinion with your sexism thereby making a case against your own argument rather than for it. In other words, because you're a man, your writing here isn't as qualified because you have inferior communication skills. Would you then still be preaching the same lines? As for saying that black women ask for violence, it sounds like you are blaming the victim. Why would I? When a man earns less than his wife, the risk of divorce (an industry driven by women, who initiate 70%+ of divorces) increases by 40%. This is because the patrirachal power is all about competitiveness and aggression. Multiculturalism can provide us with a variety of different foods. To rectify this disparity, gender equality professionals do not advocate for a matriarchy or for radical actions like for women to stage coup d'etats. Then compare that ratio with how often male rules started wars and there's a good start. Incompetent or corupt people can mess up any system, know matter how good it is. Like this post. https://discover.hubpages.com/politics/Matriarchy. Things can only change when we have matriarchal political parties where women are free to be themselves and not have men tell them how to behave. This is just another sexist rant filled with misandry. advantages and disadvantages but may improve a group of animals. 1. But I am not talking about the way women and men have been brainwashed into thinking patriarchy is wonderful. See my response above. I can also explain that men on average are physically bigger and stronger than women, is that another sexist remark? That they have had no effect on the men in their lives, and played no part in maintaining and enforcing gender roles and perpetuating them on the next generation. Pakistan is a patriarchal society as male is the head of the family. There has recently been a rise in acid attacks on men by women, however as they say, "what goes around comes around," and I see this as these men getting a fair taste of their own medicine. He was the one with the last name and the sword, so it was all him. @2022 - All Right Reserved. I am sure a matriarchal government will be far more committed to reducing both poverty and crime than any patriarchal government. Get over it and move on. I amwell, I'd be insulted if I wasn't so used to it. I worked within the black community for many years. Now, if women are responsible for this as well, then I call upon all those people who claim that men and women are the same and both are just as bad, to give us some examples of female inventors of deadly weaponry and weapons of mass destruction. I have no idea why I seem to be the only person saying this. No patriarchy or matriarchy will fix that. They even have failed to create equality as well. They are just as ruthless and corrupt. The Mosuo women are China's last surviving matriarchy. I would imagine women leaders trying to be fair and try to give men equality and even leadership roles. But men do not have the option of aborting a child they don't want--their only option is to try to walk away.). This is such a bad and uneducated statement. showtime boxing ring announcers; Toggle Navigation Once men realised that women could be dominated by violence, it opened the Pandora's box that allowed men to dominate the whole planet. There is a interesting web-site on female inventors. As I have said before over 99% of the violence in our world is done by men. Firstly, yes, things could be a lot worse and secondly you only count the bad things and ignore the good things which means youre biased. Among animal species, the only female kin of a given offspring who will actually die to protect that offspring is a post-reproductive age grandmother. There are many definitions available for elaborating the concept of patriarchy. This disadvantage has even occurred in the modern era. Even though men have used violence and intimidation to oppress women throughout history. It depends a lot of the individual man you are talking about, though on the whole I have personally found women to be a lot nicer people than men. Men in power have been involved in these wars. 4. Benefits This walking marriage system is a pure system, and it is based on the love, without any social rules. ". yes i agree but like you have said the women already in politics tend to have to go about it in a very male way to fit in, what we need is for a female only party to be set up were there are no male members to allow women to freely behave as women in the party. As a result, supporters of patriarchy pay no heed to preserve nature. This forms the premise for the development of a special kind . The following pointers may provide you with some useful insights that describe the advantages and disadvantages of a partnership. In simple words, this system is for the mothers of a family. Do you have any idea the kind of moral hazard involved in putting people in charge whom society is not prepared to hold accountable for their actions? Women leaders demonstrate an inclusive, team-building leadership style of problem solving and decision making. Men have shown themselves to be total irresponsible rulers of our world, and wont even take responsibility for what they do. Besides, women already do the biggest part in shaping men. You didn't approve my last response. The whole written history of the human race has been a story of conflict, warfare, genocide, slavery, injustice and poverty, and we dont find much difference today in our TV news. This is because men are by nature aggressive and competitive.. They do this with rape, in places like Pakistan, if a woman was to complain she was raped, she is the one more likely to be sent to jail, and not the rapist. It is true for both men and women, that if you brutalise them they become violent. Improves the effectiveness of data exchange. We are far more likely to have caring people rule our world, if we have women only matriarchal political parties, who get into power.. This situation is Matriarchy. You are incapable of seeing women as agents. They tend to teach gender-specific roles to their male and female children. A falsely filed TRO is instigating violence. One disadvantage is the high cost of childcare. Surely you don't want people like that to run the world. There are other men committing mass rapes on women in the Congo. This is not created by men its the consequence of competition where there is not enough supply ( of seats of power in this case) to meet everybodys demand. You can see this happening today in Syria. It can shift between the needs of the various projects under development and the company's functional units. Yes im finding it amazing that nothing has been done about this - that more people are not wanting this change! Einstein was a poor student. A world ruled by women, is far less likely to go to war.. I'm glad there are people like you in this world! Yes, there are very nice and decent men in our world as well as women who are not very nice people. When news broke of Hypatias murder, it provoked not one outraged response from the Christian community. What about the Native peoples of the Amazon Rainforest who know a great deal more about the rainforest then you or I ever could? So how is it possible for women to rule the world? Most male animals tend to fight each other for power and access to females, and evolutionists tell us this is a good thing, as the strongest male gets to pass on his genes to the next generation. Yes, men do have good intentions, many men, do want to make our world a better place, but cannot overcome their aggressive and competitive instincts to do this. 1. By Silvia Azaa Gutirrez B.Sc., M.Sc. The human male is very similar but fight each other with spears, swords, rifles, machine guns, bombs and rockets. Economic advantage. As for saying i should exclude myself. More relevant . And this is the reason why women lose out, simply because the average women is less aggressive and competitive than the average man. I'm sorry but if you think I'm wrong about something, then you need to point out my mistake(s) to me in detail. It has been men who have ruled all our all our countries in that time, so if it has nothing to do with men, then whose fault is it? Yes, it is strange, whenever I talk about matriarchy, in my experience, I have found that some of strongest and most vocal supporters of patriarchy are women. Women have not shown anything of the sort. What about average women and average men? , If you are going to claim that saying that men and women are different is sexism . . But to me, the trick in life is to take that sense of generosity between kin, make it apply to the extended family and to your neighbor, your village, and beyond." -Tom Stoppard If you decide for yourself that's not sexism then, again, that's your choice. It is likely that their higher levels of the male aggression hormone "testosterone" is the cause - the same instincts that make them excell in sports makes them excell in crime. Nothing wrong with that. Thus, those resources should be sustainable and can be recycled. Blatant sexist bigotry. So why are we continuing with a system that clearly does not work? A matriarchal government will be far more likely to want to care for the children and people in the countries they rule. Slight movement can ruin the image, requiring retesting. No govement dominated by women will want to see children in the country they rule live in poverty and ignorance. You completely got that one wrong. It annoys me to when people suggest that feminine men/masculine women are simply "not being true to themselves", which is bullsh*t. I don't think that gender is biological, and if a man were to ask Ellen Degeneres to "not be ashamed of expressing her feminine side", I am almost certain he would have his face rearranged, or at least be given a stern lecture on diversity and transphobia. In India from the Hindu mythology we learn that five pandavas had married Draupadi. William Bond (author) from England on June 23, 2011: Hi Gracielake, It seems to be very difficult for men to overcome their addiction to war. Women exercise control over their own bodies because they do not have control over their own bodies? "Lucy, who is it that invents and builds and uses weapons of mass destruction? And I can't see how anyone in their right mind can expect women to surpass the advances of men in such little time when men have had centuries of accomplishment over women, I find that absolutely unrealistic, women need time to broaden their horizens and free themselves from the contraints of their traditonal gender roles and I will acknowledge the same for men as well, and this will not be accomplished over night. In a monarchy, both would be expected. Capable of invention and innovation as what men are often matrilineal in nature, women already the! The premise for the development of a matriarch: independent autonomous full custody, the house, the more we... Into thinking patriarchy is wonderful women ask for violence, it sounds like you are no better than most... Available for elaborating the concept of patriarchy the various projects under development the. Most radical feminist, and the sword, so it was all him the two have... 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advantages and disadvantages of matriarchy